Urkraft der Alpen – Pure Inspiration für ein Yoga Retreat in Österreich

Primal Power of the Alps - Pure Inspiration for a Yoga Retreat in Austria

Primordial power of the AlpsPure inspiration for a yoga retreat in Austria

Everyone feels it - the elemental force of the Alps. This magical attraction when snow-covered mountains stretch into the sky in front of you or the energy of the climbing winds blows towards you at the summit cross. Automatically this power awakens a spiritual side in you. You return to yourself. Your deepest inner self is stirred. For me, the Alps are pure inspiration for a Yoga Retreat in Austria. In these mountains is based the magical attraction that I always follow to go hiking, breathe fresh mountain air and find relaxation.

In this article you can expect:

  1.  My deep connection to the mountains in Austria
  2.  What does liminality mean?
  3.  When do I have liminoid experience?
  4.  What does liminality have to do with a yoga retreat in Austria? 
  5.  What influence do the Alps have on our retreat program?
  6. Our Yoga Retreat offers in Austria.

"I am Bene from Inti Yoga and write this post out of deepest connection and admiration for the beauty and form of our Mother Earth."

My connection to the mountains


Grown up in the foothills of the Alps in Constance on Lake Constance the Austrian mountains have always been present on the horizon for me. Always during Föhn, breathtaking mountain ranges rise above the deep blue, glittering lake. At these moments, I love to climb a nearby hill and marvel at the fiery red play of light from the Alpine peaks as the sun sets. I feel an instant sense of calm settle in. I feel part of a greater whole. I am so open to the beauty of the earth and realize how this energy can penetrate unfiltered to my soul.

These moments of Liminality knows every:r. The threshold state in which you momentarily forget all your worries and fears and are completely present in the moment. It feels for a moment as if you are in another reality. You want to hold on to time forever.

I especially often experience this state in the mountains. Here it seems to be very easy for me to isolate myself from my thoughts and worries and to really see the omnipresent beauty of green valleys, glittering mountain lakes and rushing streams.

 "I am sure you know this feeling of Liminality. Perhaps you might pause here for a moment, close your eyes and take three breaths to reunite with such a moment from your life and the feeling it brings."

Deep experience: Yoga Retreat


I also know the feeling of liminality from vacations with friends, from family outings, or from summer camp as a teenager. Whenever a small group of people comes together for a short period of time to break away from the everyday social order in community.

I experience this feeling particularly intensely on Yoga Retreats. Here people meet to experience personal growth in community. It is this combination of intensive exercises from the personality development paired with Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation or Ecstatic Dance, that makes such a retreat experience so special for me. After yoga retreats, it is admittedly always particularly difficult for me to detach myself from the group again and let go of this harmony and intensity of life. To exchange it for an everyday life that offers less variety.



Appreciating nature supports us in feeling more appreciation for ourselves as well.

Let the elements teach you to give yourself more self-love & acceptance.




Do you know the feeling when your head clears at some point while hiking? And then everything seems softer and you feel lighter?

This awareness of your true nature is strengthened.


A gift


RETREAT means retreat and means a planned spiritual rest and retreat from familiar surroundings.

Give yourself this opportunity to feel more at home IN yourself and feel that deep connection to yourself and nature.

A yoga retreat in the mountains connects!


A yoga retreat in the Austrian mountains offers everything you need to work with your deepest inner self, feel primal power, find relaxation and live connection. At Inti Yoga we always try to find very special places of power for our Alpine Retreats to find places where you can especially feel this magic. Places where the play of the elements is very present. Inevitably, this grounding energy also merges with our program consisting of yoga, meditation, breathwork and hiking.

Our current retreat offers in Austria

Ayurveda Yoga Retreat

Your Essence

09-11 September .2022 | Kleinwalsertal, Austria

Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat for Women

Yoga Retreat Berge

Mountain Magic

August 10-14, 2022 | Tyrol, Austria

Yoga | Breathwork | Hiking | Personal Development

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Inti Yoga Blog | Instagram

Inti Yoga | Instagram Feed

~Follow the Inti Yoga blog for inspiration on Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork and Ayurveda. ~


What is it for you, that really counts in Life? Setting clear priorities is key for me these days ~ and also the reason why i will stay off the screens for a while longer.

I Hope your Journey into the new year felt easefull & conscious 🙏🏻✨🤍


My priorities this year are my Family, my health & how my physical Body feels (Not good at the Moment) and there is a completely new way for me to order my finances, get my Altersvorsorge going 🚀, Invest and gain Knowledge, which feels so empowering, especially as a Woman and mother to a daughter.


And If that makes you feel Like "jessys got it all sorted" 🤣 I don't. My Life is bright & dark, Like the moon phases, Like Summer & Winter, Like Nature, which we are.

Yet: I reached a new level of being grateful for ALL that is.


With Love from Portugal ☀️

📷thanks @fullofjoy.isabelle for caputuring is and making Sure we don't ohave Selfies only

A daily practice as your anchor ⚓ is possible for every lifestyle, body & family situation.

When I move Like this, I ask: "Where is she!? Where is that Essence of >her<?"

And the more i let Go, Shake, flow, stretch, sing, tone, exhale, ... the more i FEEL >HER<

And she IS powerful! And soft. And grateful. And i Just love to Connect with her.


~ find Something in your Life that leads you to your peaceful, blissfull Essence every day. From there you can face anything and all aspects of your human experience.

📷 @wild.yoni.photography

Inner freedom, what does that actually mean? For me, it is the moment when something happens on the outside that I had not expected at all.

(a comment, a financial situation, someone mobbing me, I lose something, my flight gets cancelled, my baby won't fall asleep, something suddenly scares me,....)

Something throws me violently or gently off course and I notice how I inwardly (!) (because no one sees this from the outside)

how I remain completely calm
how i am grounded
how i feel safe
how my body does NOT react with an increased pulse rate
how my nervous system does not jump into sympathetic, that is fight, flight or freeze

I remain calm inside. I reflect. Breathe.

And then I make a move.

This is also called R E S I L I E N Z

>>> and the cool thing is, we can practice it! At the cellular level with our body.

>>>> we can teach our physical body to be safe and change our response to stressors.

THAT is inner freedom for me.



What does inner freedom mean to you?

What does inner Freedom mean to you?

Please share it ⤵️

#resilience #somaticexperiencing #somatic bodywork #resilience #yogapreneurs #innerfreedom #innerpeace #inneresindhealing

Surround yourself with Beauty so it reminds you every day of how beautiful YOU are, LIFE is and that every moment is a gift 🌸🌺🌻🌼🏵️🪷🪻🌹

So grateful to have a Home again, where i can have fresh flowers in every room and decorate little corners with nourishing Energy 🙏🏻✨ i missed that during the time of being a digital nomad ~

Also: i really got back into creating! Macrame hangers for flowers & candles, posters, drawing, dream catchers... All the Things 😁!

At the Moment i so this while Freya is asleep. Sooner than i think, we'll explore all of that together 🥹😍



Happy Saturday ☀️


#makramee #highfrequencies #beautytips #portugalhome #momlife #creativityonthefly

only time that exists is NOW. Right now, this moment.

Worrying is misuse of our imagination ~ I think Albert Einstein said

PRESENCE - PRESENCE is the key to a life that feels free, easy and fulfilled.

And it leads us to learn to use our mind CONSCIOUSLY, e.g. when we plan something. To then find our way back to the moment 🙏🏻 ✨

Yoga teaches us this on the mat: presence with your breathing, your movement, your body.

And at some point, we take that presence with us into everyday life beyond the mat.


Yoga & Personal Development in Pregnancy 🪷 my online course for expectant mamas who want to, among other things.

🤍 more body awareness
🤍 a strong connection with her baby and
🤍 wish deep trust in their inner wisdom

You can find all info about the course in the link in the bio 🙌🏼✨

1TP5Pregnant2023 1TP5Personality development
1TP5Pregnancy yoga course 1TP5Pregnancy rituals

📷@estherhuynh via @indrayogainstitute

The yogic path is a way of un-learning and remembering who we really are ~ When I gave birth to my daughter I felt my rawest, strongest, purest, softest, wildest, most loving, most present self. I've ever felt.

Already in early pregancy i realised how much my holistic Yoga practice & Personal Development has given me:

How it prepared me in the most effortles way to honor my Body.

To have a deep sense of body awareness and the courage to listen to it.

To Remember to Breathe.

How I learned to Work with the subconscious mind.

To be spiritually connected to source within and around me.

And so much more

More than ever i realize what yoga does for us.
As moms.
As humans.
As humanity.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

to the ancient Rishies who channeled those practices. To all my teachers. To the different lineages.

May we - as the Yoga Teachers of this time - never forget to honor the traditions and stand in our own practise with devotion🙏🏻✨

Now i'm taking all of this with me as a solid basis to embark to new fields of teachings. My daughter, this divine light being, teach me, I'm ready to learn from you from scratch 🪷 I know you remember so much more than I do.


#personality development

Newborn Baby Energy ~ the layers are thin ~ so much is coming through ~ it's precious, oh so precious ✨ ...

Project based remote online Work ~ let me know If you are familiar with Wordpress and feel inspired to work with us 🙏🏻💗

Feel free to Share & spread the Word

Ps: Remember that asking for Support is a Superpower you are allowed to Claim 🔥
Most people really Love to Help. Arent you when someone in need asks you? 🥰

What it Takes is that you give yourself permision to Investing in your Freedom, and letting Go of control 😎 (she said to herself 😉).

I Love how Life is such an amazing Teacher for constant, daily Personal Development 🙏🏻

Happy week & Lots of Love from Portugal everyone ☀️

Yoga & personal development in pregnancy ~ BABY BLISS the online course for self-determination & body awareness 🪷

All info in profile highlight

REGISTRATION VIA DM at pre-launch price:
89€ instead of 179€

There is pure love, knowledge & yoga wisdom in it!
From my baby bump to yours 💓

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Was bedeutet Selbstliebe?

What does self-love mean?

What does self-love mean?

how can you develop it? And what does self-love have to do with yoga?

Many wish for more self-love - but what is that actually? And how can you take more time for yourself despite a full calendar? Here I share with you my everyday tips for yoga exercises, meditations and affirmations on the topic of self-love. It is my absolute heart topic and flows into all projects of Inti Yoga. I even have my own Self Love Yoga Retreat Program developed. 

In this article you can expect:

  1.  Self love can be practiced
  2.  What does self-love mean?
  3.  Why do we find it so difficult?
  4.  How to start integrating self-love into your everyday life
  5.  Self-love tips for your everyday life
  6.  3 myths about self love
  7.  More affirmations for self love

Self love can be practiced

The most beautiful thing about self-love is that it can be a lifelong playground where we are allowed to follow our curiosity and get more and more in touch with ourselves.  

So self-love can be learned: you can practice self-love and over time you will notice that you become more and more attentive to your thoughts and actions. And that you will become more and more imaginative in expanding your self-love practice - this is a beautiful journey.  

What does self-love mean?


For me, there are three levels of self-love, which we will look at in more detail here:


I have the ability to recognize and accept myself - here and now - as I am. With all feelings, with my body as it is right now, with all my thoughts.

Through self-acceptance we create a basis of respect and peace within ourselves. Through this basis we find with time more satisfaction with our body, in our relationships and also a certain sovereignty can arise. Because the more you accept yourself, including all your inaccessibilities, the easier it is for you to accept others as they are.



I recognize myself and like myself the way I am.

I am good enough.


I can decide - in every moment - whether I act in the sense of my heart or against myself.

Self-care doesn't necessarily mean that we spend hours every day oiling ourselves and drinking the most expensive teas. Rather, from my perspective, self-care concerns in what sense we act: Am I doing this for myself or for others? Am I going somewhere because I want to or because it is (supposedly) required of me?

Self-care also means serving our own needs first and then lovingly caring for others. It's the principle of the oxygen mask in an airplane: put on your own first so that you can then help others. You'll learn why this has nothing to do with selfishness below in the 3 myths about self-love.



I like to take care of myself to come into my full power.


I trust myself and value myself.

If you criticize yourself all the time, you lose confidence in yourself. If you know you're okay, you don't have to prove or distinguish yourself to others. Self-esteem is the measure of how much we value and respect ourselves. The amount of value you ascribe to yourself. You can best measure the stability of your self-esteem when someone else criticizes you or when you don't succeed as planned. How do you handle it? Practice communicating lovingly and respectfully with yourself.



I know my worth and respect myself.

Why is it so hard for us to love ourselves?


Our brains have been trained to look for danger since the history of mankind. That is why it is still the case today that we often notice the negative first. It was a great danger for man to be excluded from the community. So man has begun to pay close attention to his faults and to what the community does not like.

Now today, we still want to be loved and liked by everyone. Even by the people who go beyond our "community". This need is deeply ingrained in our subconscious.

But we may begin to learn that our survival is no longer dependent on whether all people always love us. We can allow ourselves not to be encouraged and confirmed sometimes. That it is okay to have a different opinion or, for example, to adopt a different lifestyle.

So, in the present age, we may begin to unfold our true selves, feel our emotions, and fully accept ourselves with all our needs and desires.

What does yoga say about self-love? How you can learn true self-love with the Yoga Sutra and the 5 Kleshas, you will learn here: With yoga to more self-love

Small personal anecdote:

I moved into my camper at the beginning of May 2021 and have dissolved everything else to work and live location-independent and close to nature. This way of life meets with incomprehension and resentment every now and then. Since I am not dependent on being loved and encouraged by everyone, I can continue to follow my path. In the certainty that my value is not diminished by the rejection of others.

How to start integrating self-love into your everyday life


Everything begins within you...

...and in your calendar.

Self-love begins with setting aside time for yourself to reflect and do things that nourish you soulfully.


We rarely postpone doctor's appointments, a walk with the dog, a long-agreed meeting, brushing our teeth or going shopping. Things we do because they have to be done - even if we don't feel like it at the moment, are too tired, too listless, too exhausted. We do them anyway.

How about having a date with yourself on the calendar that you learn to look at in the same way as those everyday to-dos that we attach so much meaning and importance to?


How about nothing could shake this appointment with you?

I recommend you to start small: What is NOW, right in this moment, the smallest possible step you could take to arrive more at yourself? Maybe close your eyes for a moment and breathe in and out calmly three times? Maybe put the cell phone away. Maybe brew yourself a fresh cup of tea. This is where self-love begins, with the little breaks and pauses - to briefly look at "how am I doing right now?".  

If you want to go a little further and allow yourself some time off to recharge your batteries and get back to yourself, I recommend you do the following:

Self-love tips for your everyday life


Tip 1:

Put fixed appointments in your calendar. This can be 1 hour a month, a Saturday or 10 minutes every morning - make it realistic and adapted to your routines.

Tip 2:

Let your family/roommates know that this time is sacred to you. And ask them to support you in making this time possible.

Tip 3:

Look forward to this date. Buy beautiful flowers or light a candle. Make a concrete plan: e.g. a longer walk in the park. Yoga class, a Meditation exercise, Chant mantras, or dancing for half an hour (I am currently practicing this and it helps me a lot to connect with my body).

3 myths about self love

Maybe negative associations with self-love are holding you back from taking better care of yourself? For example, these myths (which are not true, of course): 

1. "Self-love is selfish".

It is not. 🙂 It would be selfish to rush through life every day and tend to be exhausted, stressed or annoyed. Because you transfer this energy, without wanting to, to your fellow men, be it your family, colleagues or the cashier in the supermarket. 

However, if you allow yourself restorative phases, such as practicing yoga, quietly making a cup of tea or coffee and taking a mini-break, attending a workshop, taking a walk, or quietly reading a book, you can face those around you with more love, centeredness, and contentment.

We are also more focused and therefore more attentive when we relax as well: We can listen more closely and respond to the needs of our loved ones.

2. "Self-love is not productive".

We often believe that every action must have a goal. In my yoga classes I often say "practiced without achievement, without goal".

I maintain that there is value in learning that everything should always be productive and that it is a gift to do something for the sake of the process. 

3. "I need a lot of time for self-love".

You are very welcome to take a lot of time for your self-love.

But if you're short on time right now, use the tips above to find your little downtime amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

More affirmations for self love

Last but not least, I would like to share with you my favorite affirmations that you can use as an intention for your Yoga practice or hang it on your mirror:

ॐ  I allow myself not to have to achieve anything. (Because you are allowed to simply be).

ॐ  I am allowed to relax.

ॐ  I don't have to do anything. I don't have to go anywhere. Life comes to me.

ॐ  With breathing in yoga: Inhale: "I am." Exhale: "Wonderful."

ॐ  I accept myself. I accept my most beautiful qualities and also those that are more difficult for me to accept. I accept my body and its sensitivities. I accept where I am today in my life. I also accept my past in order to learn to love myself unconditionally.

I wish you from my heart that you find this beautiful connection to yourself, expand and learn to love. I wish all the time a deep friendship with yourself.  

From my heart to yours, 


Discover Yoga retreat offers based on self love


If you are interested in the topic of self-love, here you have beautiful opportunities to go on the journey:
