Your Radiance creates Connection

Yoga & Personal Development

by two humans who make their dreams come true

Summer action: Bring someone close to your heart to one of our retreats and we'll give you the I AM online yoga series as a gift!

We deeply believe

in a peaceful world

Universal harmony and a strong confidence in life begins IN us. Therefore, the essence of our work is to suggest ways to your individual Light. Paths that you can walk with pleasure & close to everyday life.

So that your Radiance shines and you allow yourself more and more to live your limitless potential in joy and ease. This is true INNER freedom.

Your glow creates peace

- inside you & everywhere

Inti Online Yoga Studio Retreats, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Yogaklassen



Jessy & Bene

Yoga offers for you

Yogaklassen online Yoga

Experience this blissful expanse in online yoga, private yoga classes and our media library.

Yoga Retreats Deutschland

Oases of well-being, meadows of inspiration, sources of healing and paths to your individual glow!

Inti Yoga Circle

THE RADIANT SELF ~ every 2 weeks you will find inspiration & personal stories for an extraordinarily fulfilled life

Coaching Jessica Nagel

Create a valuable & effective anchor in your life. 1:1 with Jessy at her program > THE RITUAL<

Your work has now become part of my holistic healing process. Both your yin yoga classes and your great workshops help me to get more in touch with myself again. Thank you.

Testimonial Item


Yoga student, Munich

Your yoga classes are filled with this basic trust of yours. They feel powerful & heartfelt, precise & down to earth. Every time i am encouraged to try out & dare something new.

I am thrilled every time, thank you Jessy

Testimonial Item


Yoga student, Heilbronn

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful guidance and companionship for our growing and healing 🧚🙏🏼💗

Testimonial Item


Retreat Participant, Austria

You are such a great guide. I alway discover another layer to shed.

It's like a beautiful journey inside myself every time.

Testimonial Item


Yoga student, Hamburg

Time with you is always like balm for the soul. Your calm & honest way touches me.

Yoga with you is like a caress for mind and body.

Testimonial Item


Yoga student, Munich

I am still completely out of space from you & yesterday's workshop. It was so beautiful & I learned a lot of new things. You are a great teacher who manages so well to unite spirituality & everyday life.

Testimonial Item


Workshop Participant, Baden Baden

Thank you for your loving and authentic way of teaching yoga. I especially appreciated that you create a connection between everyday life & spirituality. I felt very safe.

Testimonial Item


Online Retreat Participant, Holzkirchen

I was thrilled with her teaching. Jessy has a real talent for teaching. I haven't had any yoga classes before and I'm glad to have had the first ones with Jessy, it made me want to do more. She creates a calm relaxed atmosphere where you can really focus on the exercises.

Testimonial Item


Yoga students, Linz, Austria

Upcoming Events

24may19:30TOGETHER WE RISE | 100h Deep Dive in Portugal 2025FEMININE YOGA & SELF LEADERSHIP | THE (!) training for every womanRitmo da Terra | Aljezur, Portugal

19sepAll DayYOUR ESSENCE RETREAT September 19-21, 2025Yoga & self-care retreat for womenNature Hotel Cheas Valisa ★★★★ | Austria

Do you long for a deep Connection to yourself?

Do you wish sincere Self-love?

Are you ready to hear the answers of your Heart to live?

Your gateway to freedom

For us, the yoga world was and is a gateway to inner freedom: to make courageous decisions, to live in abundance, to dissolve begrudging beliefs and to act more out of LOVE instead of fear.

We support you to cultivate your connection to yourself, to live more joy and lightness, to feel your own personal glow clearly and powerfully.

Our work

We create a yoga-based framework for personal growth for men and women and all people who are ready for deeper insights

Using elements from yoga philosophy, personal development, shamanism and our own experiences, we create touching yoga classes & mediations, circles, workshops & retreats that bring you closer to your most beautiful glow.

Heart mail

Receive impulses on the topics of basic trust, self-love, personality development & contemporary spirituality.

In addition, free meditations, yoga sequences and heartfelt recommendations such as movies, books, music that move us always await you here.

Follow me onInstagram

What is it for you, that really counts in Life? Setting clear priorities is key for me these days ~ and also the reason why i will stay off the screens for a while longer.

I Hope your Journey into the new year felt easefull & conscious 🙏🏻✨🤍


My priorities this year are my Family, my health & how my physical Body feels (Not good at the Moment) and there is a completely new way for me to order my finances, get my Altersvorsorge going 🚀, Invest and gain Knowledge, which feels so empowering, especially as a Woman and mother to a daughter.


And If that makes you feel Like "jessys got it all sorted" 🤣 I don't. My Life is bright & dark, Like the moon phases, Like Summer & Winter, Like Nature, which we are.

Yet: I reached a new level of being grateful for ALL that is.


With Love from Portugal ☀️

📷thanks @fullofjoy.isabelle for caputuring is and making Sure we don't ohave Selfies only

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A daily practice as your anchor ⚓ is possible for every lifestyle, body & family situation.

When I move Like this, I ask: "Where is she!? Where is that Essence of >her<?"

And the more i let Go, Shake, flow, stretch, sing, tone, exhale, ... the more i FEEL >HER<

And she IS powerful! And soft. And grateful. And i Just love to Connect with her.


~ find Something in your Life that leads you to your peaceful, blissfull Essence every day. From there you can face anything and all aspects of your human experience.


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Inner freedom, what does that actually mean? For me, it is the moment when something happens on the outside that I had not expected at all.

(a comment, a financial situation, someone mobbing me, I lose something, my flight gets cancelled, my baby won't fall asleep, something suddenly scares me,....)

Something throws me violently or gently off course and I notice how I inwardly (!) (because no one sees this from the outside)

how I remain completely calm
how i am grounded
how i feel safe
how my body does NOT react with an increased pulse rate
how my nervous system does not jump into sympathetic, that is fight, flight or freeze

I remain calm inside. I reflect. Breathe.

And then I make a move.

This is also called R E S I L I E N Z

>>> and the cool thing is, we can practice it! At the cellular level with our body.

>>>> we can teach our physical body to be safe and change our response to stressors.

THAT is inner freedom for me.



What does inner freedom mean to you?

What does inner Freedom mean to you?

Please share it ⤵️

#resilience #somaticexperiencing #somatic bodywork #resilience #yogapreneurs #innerfreedom #innerpeace #inneresindhealing

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