Inti Yoga | Instagram Feed

~Folge dem Inti Yoga-Blog für Inspirationen zu Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork und Ayurveda. ~


What is it for you, that really counts in Life? Setting clear priorities is key for me these days ~ and also the reason why i will stay off the screens for a while longer.

I Hope your Journey into the new year felt easefull & conscious 🙏🏻✨🤍


My priorities this year are my Family, my health & how my physical Body feels (Not good at the Moment) and there is a completely new way for me to order my finances, get my Altersvorsorge going 🚀, Invest and gain Knowledge, which feels so empowering, especially as a Woman and mother to a daughter.


And If that makes you feel Like "jessys got it all sorted" 🤣 i don't. My Life is bright & dark, Like the moon phases, Like Summer & Winter, Like Nature, which we are.

Yet: i reached a new Level of being grateful for ALL that is.


With Love from Portugal ☀️

📷thanks @fullofjoy.isabelle for caputuring is and making Sure we don't ohave Selfies only

A daily practice as your anchor ⚓ is possible for every Lifestyle, Body & Family-Situation.

When i move Like this, i ask: "Where is she!? Where is that Essence of >her<?"

And the more i let Go, Shake, flow, strech, sing, tone, exhale, .. the more i FEEL >HER<

And she IS powerful! And soft. And grateful. And i Just love to Connect with her.


~ find Something in your Life that leads you to your peaceful, blissfull Essence every day. From there you can face anything and all aspects of your human experience.


Innere Freiheit, was bedeutet das eigentlich? Für mich ist es der Moment, indem im außen was passiert, mit dem ich überhaupt nicht gerechnet habe

(ein Kommentar, eine finanzielle Situation, jemand pöbelt mich an, ich verliere etwas, mein Flug wird storniert, mein Baby schläft nicht ein, etwas macht mir plötzlich Angst,....)

Irgendwas wirft mich heftig oder sanft aus der Bahn und ich bemerke, wie ich innerlich (!) (denn niemand sieht das von außen)

wie ich ganz ruhig bleibe
wie ich geerdet bin
wie ich mich sicher fühle
wie mein Körper NICHT mit erhöhtem Puls reagiert
wie mein Nervensystem nicht in den sympatikus, also Kampf, Flucht oder freeze springt

Ich bleibe innerlich ruhig. Ich überlege. Atme.

Und dann mache ich einen move.

Man nennt das auch R E S I L I E N Z

>>> und das geile ist, wir können das üben! Auf Zellebene mit unserm Körper.

>>>> wir können unserem physischen Körper beibringen, dass sie sicher ist und unsere Reaktion auf Stressoren verändern.

DAS ist für mich innere Freiheit.



Was bedeutet innere Freiheit für dich?

What does inner Freedom mean to you?

Please share it ⤵️

#resilienz #somaticexperiencing #somatischekörperarbeit #resilience #yogapreneurs #innerefreiheit #innerpeace #innereskindheilen

Surround yourself with Beauty so it reminds you every day of how beautiful YOU are, LIFE is and that every Moment is a gift 🌸🌺🌻🌼🏵️🪷🪻🌹

So grateful to have a Home again, where i can have fresh flowers in every room and decorate little corners with nourishing Energy 🙏🏻✨ i missed that during the time of being a digital nomad ~

Also: i really got back into creating! Makramee hangers for flowers & candles, Posters, drawing, dream catchers... All the Things 😁!

At the Moment i so this while Freya is asleep. Sooner than i think, we'll explore all of that together 🥹😍



Happy Saturday ☀️

#makramee #highfrequencies #beautytips #portugalhome #momlife #creativityonthefly

only time that exists is NOW. Right now, this Moment.

Sich Sorgen zu machen ist Missbrauch unserer Vorstellungskraft ~ sagte glaube ich Albert Einstein

PRESENCE • PRÄSENZ ist der Schlüssel zu einem Leben, das sich frei, leicht und erfüllt anfühlt.

Und es führt dazu, dass wir lernen, unseren Verstand BEWUSST zu nutzen, zB, wenn wir etwas planen. Um dann wieder zurück in den Moment zu finden 🙏🏻 ✨

Yoga lehrt uns das auf der Matte: Präsenz mit deinem Atmen, deiner Bewegung, deinem Körper.

Und irgendwann, nehmen wir diese Präsenz mit in den Alltag jenseits der Matte.


Yoga & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in der Schwangerschaft 🪷 mein online Kurs für werdende Mamas, die sich u.a.

🤍 mehr Körperbewusstsein
🤍 eine starke Verbindung zu ihrem Baby und
🤍 tiefes Vertrauen in ihre innere Weisheit wünschen

Alle Infos zum Kurs findest du im Link in der Bio 🙌🏼✨

#schwanger2023 #persönlichkeitsentwicklung
#schwangerschaftsyogakurs #schwangerschaftsrituale

📷@estherhuynh via @indrayogainstitute

The yogic path is a way of un-learning and remembering who we really are ~ When i gave birth to my daughter i felt my rawest, strongest, purest, softest, wildest, most loving, most present self. I've ever felt.

Already in early pregancy i realised how much my holistic Yoga practice & Personal Development has given me:

How it prepared me in the most effortles way to honour my Body.

To have a deep sense of body awareness and the courage to listen to it.

To Remember to breathe.

How i learned to Work with the subconscious mind.

To be spiritually connected to source within and around me.

And so much more ~

More than ever i realise what Yoga does for us.
As moms.
As humans.
As humanity.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

to the ancient Rishies who channeled those practices. To all my teachers. To the different lineages.

May we - as the Yoga Teachers of this time - never forget to honour the traditions and stand in our own practise with devotion🙏🏻✨

Now i'm taking all of this with me as a solid basis to embark to new fields of teachings. My daughter, this divine light being, teach me, i'm ready to learn from you from scratch 🪷 i know you remember so much more than i do.



Newborn Baby Energy ~ the layers are thin ~ so much is coming through ~ it's precious, oh so precious ✨ ...

Project based remote online Work ~ let me know If you are familiar with Wordpress and feel inspired to work with us 🙏🏻💗

Feel free to Share & spread the Word ~

Ps: Remember that asking for Support is a Superpower you are allowed to Claim 🔥
Most people really Love to Help. Arent you when someone in need asks you? 🥰

What it Takes is that you give yourself permision to Investing in your Freedom, and letting Go of control 😎 (she said to herself 😉).

I Love how Life is such an amazing Teacher for constant, daily Personal Development 🙏🏻

Happy week & Lots of Love from Portugal everyone ☀️

Yoga & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in der Schwangerschaft ~ BABY BLISS der online Kurs für Selbstbestimmung & Körperbewusstsein 🪷

Alle Infos im Profil-Highlight

ANMELDUNG VIA DM zum Pre-Launch-Preis:
89€ statt 179€

Da steckt pure Liebe, Wissen & Yogaweisheit drin!
Von meinem Babybauch zu deinem 💓

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