Primordial power of the AlpsPure inspiration for a yoga retreat in Austria

Everyone feels it - the elemental force of the Alps. This magical attraction when snow-covered mountains stretch into the sky in front of you or the energy of the climbing winds blows towards you at the summit cross. Automatically this power awakens a spiritual side in you. You return to yourself. Your deepest inner self is stirred. For me, the Alps are pure inspiration for a Yoga Retreat in Austria. In these mountains is based the magical attraction that I always follow to go hiking, breathe fresh mountain air and find relaxation.

In this article you can expect:

  1.  My deep connection to the mountains in Austria
  2.  What does liminality mean?
  3.  When do I have liminoid experience?
  4.  What does liminality have to do with a yoga retreat in Austria? 
  5.  What influence do the Alps have on our retreat program?
  6. Our Yoga Retreat offers in Austria.

"I am Bene from Inti Yoga and write this post out of deepest connection and admiration for the beauty and form of our Mother Earth."

My connection to the mountains


Grown up in the foothills of the Alps in Constance on Lake Constance the Austrian mountains have always been present on the horizon for me. Always during Föhn, breathtaking mountain ranges rise above the deep blue, glittering lake. At these moments, I love to climb a nearby hill and marvel at the fiery red play of light from the Alpine peaks as the sun sets. I feel an instant sense of calm settle in. I feel part of a greater whole. I am so open to the beauty of the earth and realize how this energy can penetrate unfiltered to my soul.

These moments of Liminality knows every:r. The threshold state in which you momentarily forget all your worries and fears and are completely present in the moment. It feels for a moment as if you are in another reality. You want to hold on to time forever.

I especially often experience this state in the mountains. Here it seems to be very easy for me to isolate myself from my thoughts and worries and to really see the omnipresent beauty of green valleys, glittering mountain lakes and rushing streams.

 "I am sure you know this feeling of Liminality. Perhaps you might pause here for a moment, close your eyes and take three breaths to reunite with such a moment from your life and the feeling it brings."

Deep experience: Yoga Retreat


I also know the feeling of liminality from vacations with friends, from family outings, or from summer camp as a teenager. Whenever a small group of people comes together for a short period of time to break away from the everyday social order in community.

I experience this feeling particularly intensely on Yoga Retreats. Here people meet to experience personal growth in community. It is this combination of intensive exercises from the personality development paired with Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation or Ecstatic Dance, that makes such a retreat experience so special for me. After yoga retreats, it is admittedly always particularly difficult for me to detach myself from the group again and let go of this harmony and intensity of life. To exchange it for an everyday life that offers less variety.



Appreciating nature supports us in feeling more appreciation for ourselves as well.

Let the elements teach you to give yourself more self-love & acceptance.




Do you know the feeling when your head clears at some point while hiking? And then everything seems softer and you feel lighter?

This awareness of your true nature is strengthened.


A gift


RETREAT means retreat and means a planned spiritual rest and retreat from familiar surroundings.

Give yourself this opportunity to feel more at home IN yourself and feel that deep connection to yourself and nature.

A yoga retreat in the mountains connects!


A yoga retreat in the Austrian mountains offers everything you need to work with your deepest inner self, feel primal power, find relaxation and live connection. At Inti Yoga we always try to find very special places of power for our Alpine Retreats to find places where you can especially feel this magic. Places where the play of the elements is very present. Inevitably, this grounding energy also merges with our program consisting of yoga, meditation, breathwork and hiking.

Our current retreat offers in Austria

Ayurveda Yoga Retreat

Your Essence

09-11 September .2022 | Kleinwalsertal, Austria

Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat for Women

Yoga Retreat Berge

Mountain Magic

August 10-14, 2022 | Tyrol, Austria

Yoga | Breathwork | Hiking | Personal Development
