Urkraft der Alpen – Pure Inspiration für ein Yoga Retreat in Österreich

Primal Power of the Alps - Pure Inspiration for a Yoga Retreat in Austria

Everyone feels it - the elemental force of the Alps. This magical attraction when snow-covered mountains stretch into the sky in front of you or the energy of the climbing winds blows towards you at the summit cross. Automatically this power awakens a spiritual side in you. You return to yourself. Your deepest inner self is stirred. For me, the Alps are pure inspiration for a yoga retreat in Austria.

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Tränen der Befreiung in Peru

Tears of liberation in Peru

In Peru, everything is magical anyway. All the time. Every faraway view, every breeze on your face, every ray of sun on your skin feels mystical and imbued with a deeper meaning. This is a very personal story about Peru's special magic.

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