
at Baby Bliss - beautiful mom-to-be.

Your Online course for Yoga & Personal Development
During pregnancy.

Welcome to Baby Bliss.

It's so nice that you are here giving yourself and your baby this special gift.
Thank you, dear wife, for conscious and self-determined through the magical time of the Pregnancy and your Birth journey you want to move through it.
I deeply believe that the way we humans experience time in the womb and our own birth is the foundation for a more peaceful world with resilient and empathic people.

This includes a (expectant) mom worth it to herself in real relaxation to immerse themselves, to become clear about their subconscious issues and to develop a loving connection to her wonderful body nurtures. Welcome to this journey.
No matter where you are right now, no matter how you are currently experiencing your pregnancy and planning your birth, you are A heroine! You are a channel of love and the medium through which Mother Nature flows most personally. 

How to use this course

Step 1

Watch the videos either chronological from module 1-3 on or completely intuitivedepending on what appeals to you spontaneously. The videos are not built on each other, you can therefore freely choose.

Step 2

Repeat in your own pace your favorite meditation & yoga sequences. A repetitive yoga practice has a calming effect on the Spiritbecause over time you have to think less and more and more into the Feel and in your Body can come.

In the coaching videos you can simply fast forward to the beginning of the respective meditation. The number of minutes is indicated below the video.

Step 3

Come to our exclusive BABY BLISS Whatsapp Group! Here we exchange ideas, share positive Stories and Experience and in this safe frame you can do all your Questions put

To the WhatsApp group

Step 4

ENJOY! Please make no pressure with watching the videos. This course may give you Joy & Lightness give you. Practice at your pace and as it fits into your daily life. You are enough and you do enough. It's not about accomplishing or working through, it's about enjoy.

Module overview

Module 1 | MY BODY MY TEMPLE ~ Bow to yourself
Intro with Meditation & Coaching
- Communication between body & you
- Create awareness about your needs
- short tune-in for introspection from minute 4
- Inspiration for real self-care in pregnancy
- Dare something new & leave the comfort zone
- Bow to yourself
- Find your WHY
- Self-love as the basis of everything
- Short Closing Meditation for YOU as the highest priority in your life, starting at minute 19
YOGA 60min body awareness
Suitable for all trimesters, always at your own pace and in a way that feels good to you ~.
Espresso for the body for a day when you feel good and fit.
Meditation 10min my body my temple
Module 2 | PERSONAL EXPANSION ~ Knowledge creates wisdom
Intro, Coaching & Book Recommendations
- The power of thought
- Dealing with feelings
- Book recommendations with criticism
- Birth plan theme
- Questioning the "usual
- Meditation from minute 23
The nervous system and breathing
- Why the nervous system is so important
- Origin & Evolution History
- Sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system explained
- Sensory perceptions and imprints in the brain
- Co-regulation of nervous systems between 2 people or between you & your baby.
- Create awareness
- What the uterus has to do with it
- Breathing exercise at minute 13
Holistic practice for the evening: 15min Calm the nervous system
Exercises for the evening:
- Lion breathing
- Tapping
- Yogic abdominal breathing
- Affirmation for you & your baby
Resolve expectations of others
- Expectations of yourself
- Who expects, waits
- Why expectations take away from your power
- Taking responsibility vs. expecting e.g. physicians
- Accept help
Expectations solving exercise from minute 13
Module 3 | WOMB WISDOM ~ Open yourself to nature
Intro, Coaching, Theta Healing Meditation
- Let go of all knowledge
- Birth as a feminine process vs. masculine analyses & methods.
- Intuition & our ancestral lineage as women
- small steps you can take TODAY
- come into your feminine power
- how you can give yourself space
- personal insight into my postpartum period and dealing with the ET
- cultivate the inner dialogue
- find your strong WHY

+ Meditation from minute 17

The subconscious & the inner child
- What exactly is the subconscious
- How imprints are created
- Loss of control anxiety
- Personal example
- Communication with your partner
- Healing effect of Yoga Nidra
- The brain waves briefly explained
- Meditation to dissolve worry and connect with your inner child starting at minute 15
Yin Yoga for expectant moms
YOGA 20min connection to the earth
BONUS MATERIAL | Tone, Chant Mantra, Rituals & Routines
Tone has countless physical and psychological benefits and also serves wonderfully to prepare for birth. Just dive in, hold nothing back and have fun!
Tara is the goddess of compassion and wisdom and she embodies female liberation!
Go through fears & feel your power
Rituals & routines during pregnancy
Starts with a short meditation
- Create realistic routines
- Favorite oils for self-massage
- Heat & Water
- Create a ceremony as a gift to you
- Journaln to your measure
- the frequency of gratitude
- Wellness, Spa & Selfcare
- Altar as a connection to something higher
- Baby Shower Party
- Blessing Way Ritual
- Tea or Ritual Cacao Ceremony
- Household as a ritual in everyday life
Why Yoga in Pregnancy | Do's & Don'ts

Jessy's book

The golden track

Get even more inspiration & knowledge with my free e-book about the birth story of my daughter Freya.

Let's stay in touch

Follow me on Instagram


What is it for you, that really counts in Life? Setting clear priorities is key for me these days ~ and also the reason why i will stay off the screens for a while longer.

I Hope your Journey into the new year felt easefull & conscious 🙏🏻✨🤍


My priorities this year are my Family, my health & how my physical Body feels (Not good at the Moment) and there is a completely new way for me to order my finances, get my Altersvorsorge going 🚀, Invest and gain Knowledge, which feels so empowering, especially as a Woman and mother to a daughter.


And If that makes you feel Like "jessys got it all sorted" 🤣 I don't. My Life is bright & dark, Like the moon phases, Like Summer & Winter, Like Nature, which we are.

Yet: I reached a new level of being grateful for ALL that is.


With Love from Portugal ☀️

📷thanks @fullofjoy.isabelle for caputuring is and making Sure we don't ohave Selfies only

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A daily practice as your anchor ⚓ is possible for every lifestyle, body & family situation.

When I move Like this, I ask: "Where is she!? Where is that Essence of >her<?"

And the more i let Go, Shake, flow, stretch, sing, tone, exhale, ... the more i FEEL >HER<

And she IS powerful! And soft. And grateful. And i Just love to Connect with her.


~ find Something in your Life that leads you to your peaceful, blissfull Essence every day. From there you can face anything and all aspects of your human experience.

📷 @wild.yoni.photography

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Inner freedom, what does that actually mean? For me, it is the moment when something happens on the outside that I had not expected at all.

(a comment, a financial situation, someone mobbing me, I lose something, my flight gets cancelled, my baby won't fall asleep, something suddenly scares me,....)

Something throws me violently or gently off course and I notice how I inwardly (!) (because no one sees this from the outside)

how I remain completely calm
how i am grounded
how i feel safe
how my body does NOT react with an increased pulse rate
how my nervous system does not jump into sympathetic, that is fight, flight or freeze

I remain calm inside. I reflect. Breathe.

And then I make a move.

This is also called R E S I L I E N Z

>>> and the cool thing is, we can practice it! At the cellular level with our body.

>>>> we can teach our physical body to be safe and change our response to stressors.

THAT is inner freedom for me.



What does inner freedom mean to you?

What does inner Freedom mean to you?

Please share it ⤵️

#resilience #somaticexperiencing #somatic bodywork #resilience #yogapreneurs #innerfreedom #innerpeace #inneresindhealing

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Dear woman

May you feel that you are the connection between the universe and Mother Earth.

May you experience your pregnancy, birth, postpartum and being a mom in a self-determined way and make informed decisions.

May you succeed in honoring your body in every moment.

May you find ease and gratitude in everything.

With love ♥ your Jessy
